Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Install an MQ API exit on Windows

...from the command line with the following commands:

endmqm -i {YOURQMGR}
amqmdain reg {YOURQMGR} -c add -s ApiExitLocal\apptrace -v Name=apptrace
amqmdain reg {YOURQMGR} -c add -s ApiExitLocal\apptrace -v Function=EntryPoint
amqmdain reg {YOURQMGR} -c add -s ApiExitLocal\apptrace -v Module="C:\Program Files\IBM\Websphere mq\exits\mh05_exit.dll"
amqmdain reg {YOURQMGR} -c add -s ApiExitLocal\apptrace -v Sequence=1
amqmdain reg {YOURQMGR} -c add -s ApiExitLocal\apptrace -v Data="C:\mqm\exits\acttrace.ini"
strmqm {YOURQMGR}

WebSphere MQ suspend dialog

Command to get rid of the "MQ has received a suspend request" dialogue box  on Windows (without using WMQ explorer):

  amqmdain reg *  -c add -s ACPI -v DoDialog=No

...and to check the value:  

  amqmdain reg *  -c display -s ACPI -v *

See: http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/wmqv6/v6r0/index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.mq.amqzag.doc/fa15570_.htm