Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Essential Firefox Plugins

Have experimented with Chrome and like it - particularly the amount of screen real-estate it renders - but am running into a number of sites without Chrome support, so it's back to Firefox, plus plugins to give a Chrome-like experience.

The essential Firefox plugins for me are: 

Adblock Plus - obviously :-)

Tab Utils Lite - Adds tab duplication

Easy DragToGo  - opens tabs by dragging links

Pimpoflage - Hides top bars and status bars (also the menu bar can be hidden from standard Firefox toolbar customisation and displayed with the Alt key)  Mini-UI is a simple alternative which hides / reveals using rhe Ctrl key.

LastPass - Password manager that syncs passwords across browsers

Other invaluable add-ons: 

Gmail manager - Shows number of messages for multiple gmail accounts (check here for latest fixes)

Forecastfox weather -  Brilliant weather icons in the status bar

Delicious Bookmarks - Social bookmarking at its best

QuickProxy - Easily turn on/off proxy settings

Kaboodle - Sharing shopping lists

IBM add-ons:
Foxear - IBM internal delicious equivalent
IBM CCK - Internal search engines and password management

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